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NEW TODAY: COVID-19 Update for Family Kitchen To-Go Meals Only

For the safety of our diners and our volunteers, beginning Friday March 13th we will be serving to-go meals only.
Please know that this is absolutely not our preference. It was a very difficult decision, yet one we knew we had to make. Our Board of Trustees takes the need for a decision like this very seriously.
Below is our first pass for a procedure in this new model. I’m sure it will evolve, yet we wanted you to have something to refer to moving forward.
AND – please give us as much warning as possible if you are not comfortable volunteering at this time. We absolutely want you to feel free to stay home!
We are experiencing tremendous drops in volunteer count – often at the last minute – and it is very taxing on an already stressed staff. We are working to get a robust back-up list, yet need time to be able to give them a call!
And, in case you’re wondering, we will ALWAYS be serving our scheduled meals.

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