The City is enhancing its Neighborhood Greenways network to provide opportunities for people in Bend to get outside and exercise by walking and biking in neighborhoods while maintaining the physical distance required to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
A statewide order to “Stay Home, Save Lives” has limited outdoor recreation and fitness opportunities. Nicer weather is contributing to a concentration of people on trails and in locations that remain open. The City encourages the community to spend time closer to home walking and bicycling on neighborhood streets.
The City is establishing temporary street restrictions to through-traffic to create “Stay Healthy” streets. Today and tomorrow, crews will be installing temporary traffic control signs to reduce traffic speed and volume on certain streets within neighborhoods. The routes provide a place to get outside and to connect to trails, parks and natural areas.
“The City is asking drivers to be extremely aware of more people walking and bicycling on all city streets, but particularly on Neighborhood Greenways,” said Transportation & Mobility Director David Abbas. The City is seeking voluntary compliance from drivers to help create safe and comfortable routes for families to use.
Areas chosen already have low traffic volumes and slower speeds. Routes include:
· NW 15th Street
· NE 6th Street
· SE Roosevelt Avenue
· SE Centennial Street and Paiute Way
· NW Hartford Avenues
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