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Rock Hall nominee Sheryl Crow isn't her kids' “favorite artist,” but they're still proud of her

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for The American Heart Association

Sheryl Crow‘s two sons may not be her biggest fans, but that doesn’t mean they’re not proud that mom may be enshrined in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Speaking to USA Today in New York City on February 1 — the day she found out she was nominated for the Rock Hall — Sheryl revealed that while she “wouldn’t say that I am their favorite artist,” her 15-year-old son, Wyatt, “called me today and said, ‘Mom, I’m so proud of you. I heard you’re nominated.'”

Sheryl also said she’s not going to tour this summer so she can spend time with Wyatt and Levi, who’s 12. 

“Oh my gosh, it goes so fast. I mean, I can’t stand it,” she explained.  “My 15-year-old, in about three months, is going to get his driver’s license, and you just feel like, they’re little tiny toddlers, and the next thing they’re slipping away. So I am into every moment.”

“I don’t want to miss anything. And I’m not even touring this summer because I want to make sure that they want to be where I am and that we can be together,” Sheryl added.

And despite having worked in a wide variety of genres and collaborated with any number of legendary stars, Sheryl says it’s her boys who make sure she’s up to date on what’s happening in music.

“They’re into pop music and they’re into rap music, and they’re also into country music,” she said. “They’re both really into [‘Something in the Orange’ singer] Zach Bryan right now, so I’m learning. I’m getting educated on what’s current and what’s hitting right now.”

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