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The Museum at Warm Springs Reopens


The Museum at Warm Springs will reopen to the public at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The Museum has been closed since December 18, 2023, for the installation of a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC).

“On behalf of The Museum at Warm Springs, I want to extend my gratitude to our visitors, members, colleagues, partners and friends who have been so patient during the closure,” said Museum Executive Director Elizabeth Woody. “Due to supply chain delays the major part of the installation process took longer than initially anticipated. We are grateful for everyone’s support and for understanding the necessity of taking on this important improvement to our infrastructure.”

“The new HVAC system will ensure that everyone who visits our Museum will be comfortable and safe during all seasons and that our collection objects and archives will be protected,” said Woody. “We are especially thankful to our funders. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible.”

Major funders of the HVAC system include the U.S. Congress/National Park Service, The Roundhouse Foundation, The Ford Family Foundation, Portland General Electric Foundation, Spirit Mountain Community Fund and Oregon Cultural Trust.

Become a Museum Member

There are several levels of annual Museum Membership, which begin at $25 for elders and students. All Members receive these benefits: free admission for one year, 10% discount in the Museum Gift Shop and special invitations to exhibits and programs. 2024 Members will have access to the 2024 Oregon Historical Society Reciprocal Membership Program and free admission to a different Oregon museum each month. Join by visiting and click “Join” to see Membership levels and online payment information. Or send a check to: The Museum at Warm Springs, P.O. Box 909, Warm Springs, OR 97761 (Attn: Membership).

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About The Museum at Warm Springs

The Museum at Warm Springs opened its doors to the public on March 14, 1993. Built to Smithsonian Institution professional standards, The Museum’s mission is to preserve, advance and share the traditions, cultural and artistic heritage of The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon. Regular Museum hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. The Museum is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Admission: Museum Members (free), Adults ($7), Senior Citizens over 60 ($6), Students 13-18 with student body card ($4.50), Children 5-12 ($3.50) and Children 4 and younger (free). The Museum welcomes donations any time of the year. Please consider a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust. Your gift to the Trust (up to $500 for individuals, $1,000 for couples filing jointly, and $2,500 for class-C corporations) is a tax credit, a dollar-for-dollar reduction for any Oregon taxes you owe. The Oregon Cultural Trust is a generous supporter of our Museum. The Museum at Warm Springs is located at 2189 Highway 26 in Warm Springs. Phone: (541) 553-3331. For more information, visit

Photo credit: Courtesy The Museum at Warm Springs

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