Volunteers in Medicine, Clinic of the Cascades (VIM) looks forward to expanding its pilot dental program after receiving two foundation grants in support of dental services and equipment. Along with primary and specialty medical care, VIM provides low-income, working adults basic dental care and referrals for specialty dental care to our network of pro-bono providers throughout Central Oregon.
In June VIM received foundation grants from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation and the Papé Family Foundation to support its work in dental care, including dental equipment and funding for dental hygienists working with VIM patients. The awards come at an exciting time, as VIM reflects on its 20-year history as a charitable clinic and pharmacy serving Central Oregon and looks forward to VIM’s future.
With support from Central Oregon Health Quality Alliance (COHQA), VIM piloted a program to provide dental care, diabetes education, and support for healthy choices for diabetic patients over the course of two years. Under that program, all dental care was outsourced, but with the project’s success, VIM secured additional grant funding from COHQA for a contracted dental hygienist at our clinic. The hygienist will provide cleanings, x-rays, and treatment recommendations onsite at VIM, and will leverage donated dentists’ services at their offices. With routine dental care provided by the hygienist at VIM, it will be far easier for dentists to intake patients and donate care for the more advanced dental work.
Funding from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation and the Papé Family Foundation supports a project that will establish VIM as the “dental home” for participating patients. The dental home concept was first put forth in pediatrics. There is a broad consensus among national experts that expanding the dental home model and furthermore building medical‐dental primary care integration will improve health outcomes. For VIMCC patients, the dental/medical home will furthermore provide culturally-responsive integrated care and navigation support.
Dental care will begin with in-clinic services. A contracted dental hygienist will provide the initial cleaning, X-rays, and assessments, with a report for the dentist. For patients with severe periodontal disease, the hygienist will provide scaling and root planing 3-4 times per year. For other patients, they will provide prophylaxis (cleaning) twice annually. VIM’s patient care coordinator will coordinate with the dentist to ensure we have developed a care plan and then secure appointments for patients with a volunteer dentist at their own clinic.
VIM appreciates the support of Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation and the Papé Family Foundation in advancing dental hygiene for low-income, uninsured members of our community. With this funding VIM will help bridge a critical gap in charitable dental care for uninsured Central Oregonians.