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Public Art Designs on Display In Bend


The City of Bend in partnership with Art in Public Places (AiPP) will display the design renderings for the proposed concepts for two works of art for the City of Bend Public Works Campus. Art designs include a large-scale Sculptural Wall to be installed along Cooley Road and a smaller-scale Campus Entry Sculpture to be installed on Talus Place. These concept designs from two artists will be on display concurrently at the Larkspur Community Center and at the downtown Bend Deschutes Public Library from July 26-August 6.

Community members of all ages are invited to review and provide input on the two finalist’s design renderings from the artists selected by representatives from the City of Bend, Bend City Council, Art in Public Places, Hennebery Eddy Architects and local community members.

The Sculptural Wall along Cooley Road will run approximately 250 feet along the south end of the campus, serving as an art wall to be enjoyed while driving, biking or walking by while at the same time screening the public works equipment and activities within the campus. The Campus Entry Sculpture will be installed at the main entrance to the campus near a monument sign and seen by visitors and staff entering the Public Works campus. The two works of art will relate to one another and be a continuous idea, sharing materials and inspiration.

The two finalists are Patrick Marold from Nederland, Colorado and Aaron Stephan from Portland, Maine. The attached images show design renderings of the two works of art proposed for the sculptural wall and the campus entry sculpture connecting the entrance and exit locations on the campus with their designs.

“We are so pleased to be assisting the City of Bend with the art selection for the Sculptural Wall and Campus Entry Sculpture.  The new campus will be a vibrant and active area for all public works employees and the visiting public.  How wonderful that art is being incorporated for everyone to enjoy, every day. The two finalists have impressive portfolios, and we are pleased to share their concepts with the public,” Romy Mortensen, Art in Public Places.

The concept selected will be refined and the final two works of art will be included in the public art collection owned by the City of Bend. The selected artist will work with the City of Bend and the Design and Construction team to complete the two works of art in time for the opening of the building in the winter of 2025.

Art in Public Places (AiPP) has created a page on its website offering the community the opportunity to contribute their public input online as well. The City of Bend and Art in Public Places welcome public comments online increasing the community engagement with new public art in Bend. Images of the two designs can be found at:

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