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Rotary’s Daddy Daughter Dance Feb. 22


 The Rotary Club of Bend’s annual daddy daughter dance is coming up next month and tickets are on sale now.

The Daddy Daughter Dance with an “At The Movies” theme on Saturday, Feb. 22, at Summit High School is a special time for dads, grandfathers, uncles or other male role models to get dressed up and share in movie-themed fun for K to 5th grade girls.

Tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets are $50 for a male and one girl, $75 for a male and two girls, or $100 for a male and 3 or more girls.

“The Rotary Club is proud to organize another Daddy Daughter Dance, which has become an annual tradition,” said C.J. Ferrari, Rotary Club of Bend past-president and Daddy Daughter Dance chairperson. “It’s a fun evening and is expected to sell out, so we encourage those interested to purchase tickets to have a special evening while also supporting Rotary’s service mission.”

Event proceeds will go toward the Rotary Club of Bend’s donations to local and international service projects.

The event will include dancing, “At The Movies” themed games, crafts, snacks and more. 

The event is made possible with important support from Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, P.C, Mid-Oregon Credit Union, Miller Ferrari Wealth Management, Saxon’s Fine Jewelers, and ColeBreit Engineering.

Moms are asked respectfully to sit this event out.

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