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Designated Curbside Pickup Spaces and Downtown Bend Parking Update


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related impacts on businesses, the City has continued to adjust parking management downtown.

The City of Bend is now offering downtown businesses a designated parking space for curbside pickup, making it easier for customers to support local businesses and adhere to health and safety guidelines related to COVID-19.

The City will remove the former larger, temporary drive-through curbside pickup areas and replace them with one designated curbside pickup space, if a business takes steps to have one established. Spaces are limited to food service, retail, or other service industry businesses. Businesses interested in obtaining a designated curbside pickup permit should contact Diamond Parking at 541-317-2805.

All designated curbside pickup spaces are valid for a two-week limit. The City of Bend’s Parking Services Division via Diamond Parking Services will keep track of the designated parking spaces.

Currently, Diamond Parking in downtown Bend is not issuing parking citations for time violations. As part of the City’s COVID-19 response, parking enforcement is currently limited to safety violations in the downtown parking district. Regular parking enforcement will return in conjunction with the second phase of our community’s reopening plan.

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